Your Leasing Co

A Voice for Tenants

1300 356 702
1300 356 702


Unfortunately, most tenants will approach a lease negotiation from a position of limited knowledge of the leasing process and the current market conditions. Landlords are aware that time-poor tenants will often negotiate from an inferior position and place more emphasis on convenience above the lease cost and terms. Invariably, this results in the tenant falling short of achieving all the potential value and terms that were potentially available.

So, how do we add value here?

Confidence & Peace of Mind… A Safe Pair of Hands.

Any successful decision results from having all the relevant information and the experience to create a great outcome. Your Leasing Co. provides their clients with a “Safe Pair of Hands” in what can be a time consuming and technical part of running a business. Our clients trust placed in the service that we provide is returned by us providing confidence and peace of mind in commercial leasing transactions.

Experience and market knowledge

We have negotiated over 1,000 retail and commercial leases over the past 25 years and bring our technical and industry knowledge to every deal. We have access to market data that is essential to negotiate with Landlords and maximising value for our clients.

Negotiating with a position of power

Armed with all the market information and experience that the Landlord may have, we are in a powerful position to negotiate the best possible outcome. Our clients no longer need to have any more uncomfortable conversations with their Landlord. We take care of that for them.

Access to off-market deals

We are in the market every day and have access to off-market deals through our professional property network that tenants acting for themselves don’t get access to. At the same time, we also have a team of people who actively search the market matching up the criteria from our client’s brief.

We take care of the boring documentation

Knowing what to look for and fully understanding what was agreed at in the negotiation stage saves a lot of time, frustration and uncertainty when it comes to reviewing the lease. We provide confidence by ensuring that the deal that was agreed, is what’s in the lease.

We’re nice guys

People like to work with people that they like… We aim to make the whole experience of renewing a lease or finding a new location as fun and painless as it possibly can be…. while maximising the value and satisfaction for our clients.